Friday, July 18, 2014

How to Market your Brand on Instagram

Instagram is fast becoming a brand marketing medium for businesses hell-bent on utilizing the power and reach of social media itself. With millions of users at the helm, why not look at Instagram, after all? Here are some tips to better harness the site’s capabilities for marketing a brand:
Use both videos and photos, but focus on the latter – Videos and photos on Instagram have their own perks. For instance, photo posts tend to perform better than videos in terms of encouraging interactions, i.e. likes and comments, mainly because people are reluctant to view videos during peak school or work hours. However, videos are perfectly and equally, if not more so, worth the effort of posting for marketing purposes.
Pick a series of hashtags to focus on – A hashtag’s main function is to categorize your type of content on Instagram. Instead of creating one on the fly, craft one before you post content and stick with it. That way, people will gradually recognize the brand as something different from the others, allowing them to identify you more easily.
Tag others in your posts – If a high-profile celebrity is using your product in your photo, tag him or her, and include content relevant to your post. This allows for the content’s rapid spread, which should enhance brand awareness and promote its wider reach over time.

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