Monday, August 18, 2014

Using Hashtags for Marketing

Hashtags can help businesses market their brands on social media in innovative ways. These words or phrases preceded with a # sign are basically labels for types of content. Hashtags are relevant in social media marketing, as content with hashtags tend to receive twice the engagement of those without.

There are three key strategies for using hashtags in marketing: brand and campaign, trending, and niche. Brand and campaign hashtags point more directly to the business itself. Brand hashtags are often a company’s name or tagline. Kit-Kat’s #HaveABreak is a familiar example of a brand hashtag, with “Have a Break” being Kit-Kat’s patented slogan. Within minutes, pictures of Instagram users enjoying Kit-Kat’s products flooded the web.
Campaign hashtags are patterned after a campaign’s name or objective. Home Depot’s #HDGameDay campaign relating to promotional college football events, with a photo contest on bucket drumming, is a good example. Use that on Instagram and millions of users would be sharing photos of themselves enjoying college football.

Trending and niche hashtags are more indirectly associated with a brand, but serves the same function. Trending hashtags are very popular topics, and companies that use a trending topic related to their products or services get to jump in for a share of the action. Niche hashtags, meanwhile, work by engaging people whose interests align with the topic itself. For example, musicians can use hashtags like #MusicMonday to entice like-minded users. 

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